Monday, July 28, 2008

Costume Week in Seattle part 2

Here we go again. It seemed like a waste of God-given talent to hold only one costume week, and so we did it again; surprisingly, much to the delight of our boss. When he found out that the best dressed will get an award, he thought that it was a good motivation for his employees. As a result, he didn't complain when he saw his "teachers" dressed as looting pirates, as cowboys and girls from the wild west, as natives of the Philippines, as another profession, and as students.
This month's costume week became a little bit competitive, not because of the 100 peso reward for the best dressed personnel (heck, the money we spent for our costumes is way more than that!) but because of the 100 peso fine if we didn't participate. Some simply did their best because they love it. ahem.. har har

M o n d a y

Arrrgh! The Seattle Pirates,
the most dreaded pirate crew in LANDCO.. HAHAHA!!
(from L to R: Teacher Gigi, Jean, Jee, Arlene, Lera, and Bon)

T u e s d a y

Seattle in Texas.. hahaha
All that's missing are the horses

W e d n e s d a y
We didn't have any pictures during this day
nasira kasi yung cam ('coz the camera got broken),
so to give you an idea of what we wore, i give you this.

T h u r s d a y
Seattle Anatomy Nurses and Staff! hahaha
we also have priests, soldiers, teachers (of course),
taxi drivers, kargadors/konduktor/barker, coke sales clerk, etc.

F r i d a y
Back to School for us!
(Were we ever out? heller teacher gani..duh..)
Hala! May taga-Hogwarts!

At the end of each day, we all felt tired but we know that we had fun. WEEEEEE~~~!!! YOOHOOOOO~~~!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jeepney Ride

this is what we do every single day of the week. And you know what, i never get tired of it. i used to hate the routine, but when i stopped viewing it as a routine, i realized the beauty that each new day brings.
sometimes, it is just better to slow down a little to appreciate the wonderful things that exists in all of us, all around us, even in a jeepney ride.